Grey Suit #3
Issue 3 autumn 1993
The Critical Tirade. Deborah Levy and Anthony Howell discuss the tendency to rhapsodise which so often debases literary and dramatic work. 5 mins.
Methuselah. Cathy Vogan is an Irish Australian living in Paris. Her video compares the oldest tree in the world with ageing actor Ernest Berk. Music by Chet Baker. 20 mins.
Nase. A short gyroscopic video by the German artist and filmmaker Harald Busch.
Autumn. British video artist Catherine Elwes invokes a personfication of the season, thus offering another view of ageing or fading in her video essay on temporality. 18 mins.
John Ashbery. The renowned American poet whose 1975 volume "Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror" won the Pulitzer Prize, reads a selection of his poems. 6 mins.
Captivate Violate. In the last two minutes of her performance, the artist Clare Pritchard ultimately succeeds in achieving a condition of suspended helplessness. 2 mins.